Breathing re-education for Health

Many symptoms and conditions are reported in medical literature as being either caused or exacerbated by hyperventilation. The Buteyko Method practiced by Breath well Glasgow therefore has significant potential to revolutionise health care for patients.

Respiratory: asthma ,cough, production of mucus, blocked or runny sinuses, chronic throat tickle, shortness of breath, tightness in or about chest, sighing respiration, excessive yawning.

Neurovascular: disturbances of consciousness, faintness, dizziness, unsteadiness, impairment of concentration and memory, feelings of unreality, “losing mind”, paresthesia, numbness, tingling and coldness of fingers, face and feet

Musculoskeletal: tremors and coarse twitching movements, diffuse or localised myalgia and arthralgia, carpopedal spasm and generalised tetany (infrequent).

Cardiovascular: palpitations, skipped beats, tachycardia, atypical chest pains, sharp precordial twinges, dull precordial or lower costal ache, variable features of vasomotor instability

Gastrointestinal: oral dryness, globus, dysphagia, left upper quadrant or epigastric distress, aerophagy, belching, bloating, flatulence.

Psychic: variable anxiety, tension and apprehension, inappropriate pseudocalmness (hysterical subjects)

General: sleep apnoea, snoring, easy fatigability, generalised weakness, irritability and chronic exhaustion, frightening dreams

Dental (Children): narrowed upper jaw, overcrowding, tooth decay and gum disorders.

Test to see if you can benefit from attending a Buteyko Practitioner:

If you answer yes to any of the following then”Breath Well” Buteyko can certainly help you.

  • Do you suffer from asthma?

  • Do you snore at night?

  • Do you stop breathing in your sleep?

  • Do you suffer from sleep apnoea?

  • Can you hear yourself breathe?

  • Do you ever breathe through your mouth?

  • Do you sigh, yawn, sneeze, wheeze or snore?

  • Do you cough or blow your nose?

  • Do you suffer from a blocked nose?

  • Do you awake with a dry mouth?

  • Do you get short of breath?

  • Can you feel your upper chest move?

  • Do you breathe more than 14 times a minute

    Buteyko is suitable for children from age three, through to adults of any age. A decrease in symptoms can often occur within the first 24 hours after attending a practitioner.

what we offer:

1-1 with Practitioner

The Foundation Years (3-8yrs) covers you to teach children aged 3-8yrs. The syllabus is split in two 3-5yrs & 5-8yrs as there is quite a developmental difference in these two age groups. The techniques will and do keep your students engaged throughout this age range. Many children start their yoga journey in the early years and continue until they leave school!

Online1-1 with Practitioner (using Zoom)

Our online breathing training consultations are an ideal way for anyone around the world to learn Buteyko breathing from an experienced practitioner. You get one on one interaction and advice in the comfort of your own home. So if you want to breathe better and overcome many sleep and respiratory disorders, then contact us about our Zoom consultations today. click on link below:

schools education program

Teenagers more than anyone need to release the everyday stresses and pressures of their lives. Their bodies are changing at an accelerated pace, hormones are suddenly active and emotions are rampant and uncontrollable. Throw into the mix that fact that their brains are rewiring and their preoccupation is with body image and fitting in! Our 60 hour course covers everything!